Q: What does the website migration service entail? Will my web site be safe?

A: The website migration service that we are offering is free of cost (within a certain limit). We’ll migrate your web site(s) to our super–modern cloud hosting platform without you needing to do anything. We know from personal experience that swapping hosting providers can result in lost data and undesired network downtime. For this reason, we will perform all that for you at no cost!We have proficient administrators whose primary responsibility is to make certain that your website performs precisely as it did on your old hosting platform. The administrators are well–versed in transferring custom–made sites, as well as sites that are based upon famous scripts like Joomla and WordPress.

Q: What does the website migration service entail? Will my web site be safe?
Q: Web site migration sounds like lots of work. How much time will it take?

A: There are plenty of variables to take into account – the total amount of files, the size of the database, the complexity of the website itself and the present workload of our web site migration professionals, etc. That being said, we do our very best to perform all web site migrations in a 48–hour time window. Less sizeable sites are transferred faster – typically in under 24 hours.

Q: Web site migration sounds like lots of work. How much time will it take?
Q: My personal privacy is vital to me. What details do you require?

A: Yeah. We’ll require the name of the site that you would like us to migrate. We’ll also require a means to log into your current web hosting account so that we can get the content associated with your web site.

Q: My personal privacy is vital to me. What details do you require?
Q: I give you access to sensitive info. How can I be sure that you won’t misuse it?

A: In order for us to begin the transfer of your web hosting account, you must already have an account with us. Opening an account with us will require that you to share exactly the same info you have provided to your previous web hosting provider. We’ve also got a very rigid Privacy Policy, which specifies how delicate data is tackled.

Q: I give you access to sensitive info. How can I be sure that you won’t misuse it?
Q: How about downtime? Will my site be offline?

A: No. Your web site will continue to be fully operational during the migration. Once everything is done on our end, we’ll inform you so that you can preview it and check for problems. If everything’s OK, all you will need to do is change your domain name’s DNS settings.

Q: How about downtime? Will my site be offline?
Q: Will my old web hosting provider find out that I’m leaving them?

A: Nope. Aside from your login details for the Control Panel, we will not require anything. We’ll never contact your hosting provider. They will not know anything about the migration either.

Q: Will my old web hosting provider find out that I’m leaving them?
Q: Does it matter what platform my current provider is using?

A: We can transfer your site from any web hosting provider or any Linux–driven web hosting platform given that we can obtain access to the Control Panel and there’s File Transfer Protocol access available.The only web sites that we cannot migrate are the ones based on closed–source software apps such as Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square and Mr Site.

Q: Does it matter what platform my current provider is using?