We’ve included a pair of Website Accelerator Applications in the Online Control Panel that may help you efficiently optimize the online performance of your web sites. You will not need to enhance anything with the back–end code or come up with particular configuration settings that need technical comprehension on your part. In the Online Control Panel, simply select the application you want to utilize – Memcached, Node.js and Varnish and generate an instance for it. It’s all finished with a click of the mouse. By speeding up your web sites, won’t just stop your website visitors from being required to hang on but will also help your site get better positions in search engine results.

You can find the Website Accelerator Applications inside the Advanced Resources area of the Online Control Panel.


RAM–memorizing as opposed to data–base queries

If you’ve got a fast paced database–driven website or application, it may have problems loading quick for the customers as a result of the numerous calls delivered to the data base. To aid you eliminate the web–page loading issue, we’ve bundled the Memcached tool within the Online Control Panel.

Memcached is known as a powerful distributed memory object caching platform, which saves information and objects in the server’s RAM to prevent the database from getting asked every time a customer loads a selected web page. In this way, your website pages are going to load quicker for site visitors and will increase the opportunity for them to return.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing as an alternative to HTTP calls

Using the Varnish website accelerator integrated into WebsiteHosting.quest’s Online Control Panel, you can make your web site webpages come up quicker for your customers. All configuration settings are made through a simple interface, without needing to make any immediate adjustments to the back–end code of your respective web site.

Varnish is an HTTP acceleration tool that will help the web pages come up faster by storing them within the server’s memory. That way, right after a webpage has been opened by a customer one time, it doesn’t have to be shipped from the server anymore, which generally will reduce loading speeds and quickens your web pages. It has been assessed that Varnish typically enhances delivery times with a factor of 300 – 1000x.

Hepsia File Manager


Assemble flexible applications effortlessly

Node.js delivers an up–to–date programming platform for developing flexible web apps and web sites in record time. It may be used for almost everything – from handling API calls, streaming data and also parsing emails to converting pictures, audio files, videos and office files.

It is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally uses an event–based, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it lightweight and efficient. In addition, Node.js is known for a huge supportive community that produces regular upgrades for the program and is always in a position to offer advice.

Hepsia File Manager