The Z File System, or ZFS, is an innovative file system that is superior to any other file system these days. It is really reliable and delivers the very best performance for the hosting platforms that use it. What makes it special is that it compares the so-called checksum of all files on the hard disks which comprise a RAID array in real time and if any file is corrupted, it is repaired on the spot. In simple terms, the exact same website files are saved on two or more hard drives and if there's an issue with a file on one hard drive, a good copy is employed from the other drive to restore that file. By comparison, none of the other popular file systems uses checksums. ZFS is also much quicker and its functionality is not impacted by the quantity of files stored on the servers. The larger speeds also allow backups to be generated swifter and more frequently without affecting the functionality of the system.

ZFS Cloud Storage, Mails, MySQL in Shared Web Hosting

We're among the very few hosting service providers that have employed the ZFS file system and this permits us to offer a superior service as compared with what you could find available on the market. In case you get a shared web hosting package, it will be created on our innovative cloud platform and all web servers which comprise it work with ZFS and feature a large amount of RAM and NVMe drives that allow us touse all attributes which the file system offers. In contrast to other businesses, we have no restriction for the amount of files you can have and your content will be safe at all times due to the data integrity that ZFS provides. If you delete something by mistake or a script update does not go as planned, you'll be able to restore your web site with a few clicks since the faster backup speed which the ZFS file system provides compared with other file systems permits us to generate four backups of your entire account every day. For greater results, we employ ZFS on our database and email servers also. Because of the the much faster general performance of ZFS and the fact that even if an entire hosting server fails for whatever reason, we can switch to a backup hosting server which shall have the latest copy of your site, you will not have to bother about speed, reliability or data integrity anymore.

ZFS Cloud Storage, Mails, MySQL in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you opt for one of our semi-dedicated server packages, you'll be able to use the whole potential of the ZFS file system since we have employed it on all servers that'll be used for the storage of any files, databases and e-mails that you have inside your account. Our Hepsia Control Panel is designed to work with it and you will quickly notice the positive aspects over the hosting services which competitors offer you. Your websites will load considerably quicker given that all our servers employ NVMe drives and a large amount of RAM to make certain that we can fully utilize the features that ZFS includes. Using the faster backup generation that the latter offers, we shall also keep 4 daily backups of your entire account irrespective of how big it is and due to the compression rates which the file system presents, we are able to keep the backups considerably longer than other companies. Thus, not only can we ensure that your Internet sites shall work fast, but also that you will never have to worry about losing any file or email in case you delete something unintentionally. The ZFS file system also allows us to switch to a redundant machine that has the most recent copy of your content in real time without any loss of info or service disruptions.