If you’ve ever got any queries regarding the hosting service in general or you experience a problem with your sites, you will need to get in touch with the respective web hosting company’s client support team. It may not matter how promptly they’ll answer when you've got a generic query, but an issue such as an aborted web application update, for example, may result in your site becoming damaged or unreachable on the World Wide Web. And the longer you wait for the support team to assist you, the longer the site will be out of order. In case you offer services or goods online, any outage will damagingly affect your website and you can lose existing or potential visitors. Lots of web hosting providers, especially resellers, handle emails and support tickets within twenty four hours, but in the digital era that is way too long, since customers will hardly ever revisit a site that is not functioning properly over extended periods.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Web Hosting

Our shared web hosting offer a sixty-minute reply guarantee, which goes to say that no matter what inquiry or issue you might have, we’ll always be there to lend you a helping hand. As a matter of fact, it seldom takes more than 30 minutes to get an issue fixed or a query answered, and this is valid for both sales and technical matters. Our customer care staff representatives are available 24-7, even on weekends and holidays, which goes to say that you will receive quick assistance at any time. We realize how priceless time can be, so by the time we answer your email or ticket, we’ll have examined the matter and, in case we haven’t sorted it out, we’ll give you more info on what you need to do on your end, if the case requires this. With our support service, you can be sure that there will be someone to assist you instantaneously, regardless of what time of day or night it is.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

Because we know just how critical it is to get prompt help, we promise that you will never have to wait around for more than one hour to receive an answer to any trouble ticket that you send from your semi-dedicated server CP. In fact, you will rarely have to wait around for more than 20 to 30 minutes and this applies to any query no matter what its nature is – technical, general or billing. What is more, our technical and customer support staff is working 24/7/365, which means that even in case you send a ticket during legal holidays, you’ll always obtain a lightning-fast response, which will include the answer to a question, the solution to an obstacle or the information needed to sort out an issue yourself – in case there’s something that you have to do on your end. With us, you won't ever have to spend a day waiting for a reply like you would with many other web hosting companies.